Embarking on a Journey of Self-Discovery

Starting Therapy in Autumn

September marks the beginning of a new season, a time of transition and renewal. The summer holidays are coming to an end and the shorter days are looming ahead. For some, who’ve been entertaining the kids for the last six weeks, September couldn’t come quickly enough. For others, the darker evenings and colder weather are met with dread. Whichever camp you fall into, one powerful step you can take towards enhancing your mental wellbeing this autumn is starting therapy. In this blog post, we will explore five reasons that this time of year is the perfect time to start your journey of self-discovery.

Five reasons autumn is the perfect time to start your journey of self-discovery

1. It’s time for a fresh start

September marks the beginning of autumn, a season associated with change and renewal. Just as the trees shed old leaves to make way for new growth, therapy can help you let go of emotional burdens, cultivate self-awareness, and embrace personal growth.

As well as there being a renewed sense of purpose in the air, September is a time when our routines restabilise after the summer holidays, as the kids go back to school and work settles into a more predictable pattern, it can be much easier to schedule regular appointments at this time of year. Building therapy sessions into your schedule from the start of the academic year or the work calendar can help ensure consistency and commitment to the process.

2. Prepare for the Christmas Season

The holiday season can bring both joy and stress and by starting therapy in September, you can equip yourself with everything you need to navigate this year’s festive period. Christmas can trigger a range of emotions that aren’t always positive, such as loneliness, grief, anxiety, and stress, not to mention managing toxic or difficult family members during the festivities.

Therapy can help you to develop coping strategies, communication skills, and emotional tools to navigate family gatherings, financial pressures, and increased social interactions. Counselling provides a safe space to address and manage holiday-related stressors proactively.

3. School and Work Transitions

For students, September often means the start of a new academic year, or even starting at a new school or institution. For professionals, September often heralds the start or ramping up of projects at work. These transitions can trigger feelings of anxiety, overwhelm, or uncertainty.

One of the main reasons that these transitions are challenging is the loss of familiarity. In school and work environments, we build routines, relationships, and a sense of belonging. When transitioning, we may leave behind friends, colleagues, and daily routines that we were comfortable with.

Therapy can offer valuable support in managing these changes, building resilience, and fostering a positive mindset.

4. Beat the Seasonal Blues

With the arrival of autumn, some individuals experience seasonal affective disorder (SAD). SAD is a type of depression that occurs at a specific time of year, typically during autumn and winter due to reduced sunlight exposure. For those who have been suffering with SAD for a while, September can be a difficult month because, while the days aren’t yet that much shorter, there is a particular dread and fear of the coming winter months.

By beginning therapy in September, you can build a strong relationship with your therapist, develop coping strategies to manage mood changes, and help prevent the onset of depressive symptoms.

5. Time for Reflection and Goal Setting

As the year approaches the final quarter, you may find yourself reflecting on accomplishments, challenges, and aspirations. Starting therapy in September allows you to work with a therapist to set meaningful goals for personal development, relationship improvement, or tackling specific mental health concerns.

Having a supportive therapist during this process can provide guidance, accountability, and a structured plan for growth. Therapy offers a confidential and non-judgemental space to explore your thoughts, emotions, and ambitions freely. Your counsellor can help you to clarify your priorities, overcome emotional, mental, and even physical obstacles, and hold you accountable in a supportive and encouraging manner.

Next Steps

Starting therapy can feel very overwhelming and nerve-wracking. Here are some steps to consider as you embark on this journey.

First, take some time to reflect on your goals and reasons for seeking therapy. This will help to guide your conversations with potential therapists.

Next, it’s time to do some research. Explore what options are available to you in your area or online. Consider how each therapist works, which approaches they use, and whether that aligns with your preferences and your goals for the therapy.

Many therapists offer initial consultations, which is a great opportunity to ask questions, discuss any concerns, and assess whether you feel comfortable with the therapist.

Finally, it is important to set realistic expectations for yourself. Therapy is a process that takes time. Be patient with yourself and the progress you make.

Focus Therapy is offering sessions from our bright and airy rooms in High Barnet or even from the comfort of your own home nationwide online. Get in touch today to start your therapy journey or click on the appointment button on the website www.focustherapy.co.uk to find out about me and how we can work together via Focus Therapy.

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